Between East and West

From Medieval Rus to Peter the Great

Life in Rus changed dramatically after the invasion by Batu Khan, the Mongol leader, in the 13th century. The system of taxation also changed. In the Sofia Chronicle it says that in 1245 the conquerors counted the population of Kyiv and set the tribute to be paid based on the count.

It is not completely clear who was counted and how, but such a procedure was usual for the Mongols. According to the Georgian prince Vakhtusht, a census of the people in all countries which was the lands of Batu Khan, including Georgia, according to his order was conducted in 1248.

«In the 1250s there was a complete census»

In the 1250s, a complete "census" was conducted in all Russian lands and even in freedom-loving Novgorod. The Sofia Chronicle from 1255 reports that the clergy was not included in the census, since they were exempt from taxation.

«There was a second number from the horde from the king»

The census operations conducted by the Tatars in 1255-1259 are considered to be the first genuine census in Russia. In the 1270s during the reign of Mengu-Timur" there took place the second count ordered by the Tsar of the Horde”, which mean that a new general census was carried out.